Source: xql/xqlobjectwithattributes.h
xqlObjectWithAttributes.h - description
begin : Mon Jun 26 2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by Raoul Markus
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef _xqlObjectWithAttributes
#define _xqlObjectWithAttributes
#include "xqltypes.h"
#include "xqlobject.h"
#include "xqlattribute.h"
#include "xqlsession.h"
#include "xqlint.h"
#include "xqlstring.h"
class xqlObjectList;
* Object which can have an internal structure, i. e. xqlAttribute
class xqlObjectWithAttributes: public xqlObject
xqlObjectWithAttributes(xqlSession* pSession);
xqlAttribute * mAttributes[MAX_NUM_ATTRIBS];
int mCurrentNumberOfAttributes;
char * mClassName;
const bool addAttribute(xqlAttribute * pAttribute);
virtual bool saveInstance();
virtual bool createInstance();
virtual bool loadInstance(int pInstId);
virtual bool createType();
virtual bool loadType(int pTypeId);
virtual char* className() const;
/** creates a new Attribute of the given Type. */
void addType(char * pType);
/** this function creates the table for the
given object type. for xqlObjectWithAttributes
it has a different structure than for xqlAttributes. */
void createTables();
/** use this function if an ObjectWithAttributes has been changed (added or removed
attributes). */
bool saveType();
/** No descriptions */
bool loadType(std::string& pType);
/** returns the attribute of the given name */
xqlAttribute * getAttribute(std::string pAttribute);
/** returns the list of the attributes */
xqlObjectList * getAttributes();
/** returns a store identifier for the given file */
/** returns the table name for the object in pTableName */
//Del by KDevelop:
Generated by: markus on hobbes on Fri Mar 29 16:15:24 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53. |