provides functions for searching in the database
xqlOdbc ()
| xqlOdbc |
standard constructor. specific things are done by member functions.
~xqlOdbc ()
| ~xqlOdbc |
void setPasswd (const char* passwd)
| setPasswd |
sets the password for the ODBC-Connection
void setSource (const char* source)
| setSource |
sets the ODBC-Sourcename for the ODBC-Connection
void setUser (const char* user)
| setUser |
sets the Username for the ODBC-Connection
int execUpdateStmt (std::string pSqlText)
| execUpdateStmt |
executes an update statement. Returns what?
int getMaxId ()
| getMaxId |
gets the maximum id from xqlobject. This function is obsolete.
int getNewId (const char * pTableName)
| getNewId |
gets a new id for xqlobject.
int getCount (char * table, int pId)
| getCount |
This function is obsolete. and should be replaced by getInteger()
int getInteger (std::string pSqlText)
| getInteger |
gets an integer value from a query. If the query returns several values, only the first one is given back.
bool getBool (char * pSqlText)
| getBool |
gets an boolean value from a query. If the query returns several values, only the first one is given back.
void getString (char * pSqlText, char * pResultString)
| getString |
gets an string value from a query. If the query returns several values, only the first one is given back.
bool getConnection ()
| getConnection |
opens a connection
void closeConnection ()
| closeConnection |
close a connection
void startTransaction ()
| startTransaction |
starts a transaction;
void commit ()
| commit |
commits a pending transaction
void rollback ()
| rollback |
rolls back a pending transaction
int getNewInstId ()
| getNewInstId |
int getNewTypeId ()
| getNewTypeId |
char * getSource ()
| getSource |
char * getPasswd ()
| getPasswd |
char * getUser ()
| getUser |
void initXQLScheme ()
| initXQLScheme |
initiates the database schema for XQL. Creates the necessary tables. create the root account which will manage everything else (normally "admin"). This function may only be called once. If once called, it will fail on all other calls. If the database scema is corrupt, then use repairXQLScheme. Of course, this is not possible without data loss.
void dropXQLScheme ()
| dropXQLScheme |
drops the whole XQL database tables. all data are lost. used to roughly recreate damaged database
intList * getIntegerList (std::string pSql)
| getIntegerList |
void storeBinObj (const long id, const char * pData, const long pSize)
| storeBinObj |
void getBinObj (const long id, char ** pData, long * pSize)
| getBinObj |
get binary data from the database for id. raises an xqlException if no data were found for the given id. returns the pointer to the binary data pData, and the size (pSize)
long getNewFileId ()
| getNewFileId |
std::string getString (const std::string pSqlText)
| getString |
gets an string value from a query. If the query returns several values, only the first one is given back.
char * mUser | mUser |
char * mPasswd | mPasswd |
char * mSource | mSource |
char mUserBuff[20] | mUserBuff[20] |
char mPasswdBuff[20] | mPasswdBuff[20] |
char mSourceBuff[20] | mSourceBuff[20] |
long tReturn | tReturn |
char mODBCStatus[10] | mODBCStatus[10] |
char mODBCmsg[200] | mODBCmsg[200] |
char mODBCbuffer[200] | mODBCbuffer[200] |
odbc::Connection* mConn | mConn |